Friday, February 16, 2007

Cooking and colors

As you can tell, I've been playing with my template. I'm not happy with the colors. I still want to create a three column template and I wouldn't mind a patterned background. I just need to figure out how the heck to do all that. In the meantime these lovely jars of my home canned goods have become sauce. My domestic superpowers continue unchecked as I made a pot of meatballs and used the extra ground meat to prepare a meatloaf to cook tomorrow night. I even wore an apron! What is going on here?!?...(and no Jenny I didn't weave in the ends as I went. I did on the black and red one though.) And my mother would be proud to know I was listening to my goomba cd while cooking all of this...all that was missing was some guys sitting around talking about whacking someone.

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