I've been doing a lot of pondering, thinking, worrying, stressing, and dash of self-pity wallowing since the interview. I'm just not so sure where to go with my life at the moment. I just know I really shouldn't stay where I am at the moment, as far a work goes. I'd love to just quit and start free-lancing again. But I know that's when I'll suddenly, despite all the medical issues, get pregnant. And while that would be wonderful, I wouldn't have any health insurance. grrrr....
Ok, moving on to something that doesn't make my jaw clench and my stomach churn.
This sweater is turning out to be quite the little project of disasters I've created for myself. The "coordinating" yarn I bought looked hideous with the two existing colors. Just awful, so I'm back to making what I have work. There not enough to do a matching hat. I was making it work until I was two feet short on the color for the button band bind off. So I am stealing it from another part of the sweater. This really is a situation of robbing Peter to pay Paul. I'm determined to make this work. Come hell or high water....this will work.
Other then that I'm doing a touch of cooking this morning before I go into work. Today is our (delayed due to holiday) garbage day. Which is perfect broth making day. I save all (or most) of my vegetable peelings for broth. Carrot peelings, onion skins and the outer layers, broccoli stalks, the little ends of the garlic that get cut off, celery ends. Just about anything that is technically edible but not exactly desirable to do so. I scrub them well before peeling and put them in a freezer bag. When it is full I boil them for broth and toss the peelings. When I finally get a compost pile, they will go there. The broth either is made into soup right away or frozen for later use. Ice cube trays are great for this. Freeze it as cubes and then defrost only what you need for a recipe. I do need new ice cube trays for this. Use different trays then ones for you 'regular' ice, unless you want a brothy taste to your soda. I also boil any chicken/turkey carcasses for broth. After the meal I pick the meat off, but leave a little on for flavor and boil away. Again, its used right away and/or frozen. I love soup. I eat it all the time and making my own broth makes it much easier and much more economical to make.
just a thought for you...in ct, pregnancy is covered under disability insurance....if you are pregnant you get state insurance. I've had two friends on this and its pretty good- it lasts for just a short while after the baby is born but its with you throughout the pregnancy- i have one friend on it for the 2nd time with her 2nd child- she runs her own biz....and she says its good....just a bug in your ear!!!
boiling shrimp shells makes an AMAZING broth also (but i never thoughta the veggie broth) hmmmm...
and disability... who knew!?
that's an interesting bug buzzing...
hrm...though I must admit after 1/2 an hour at work today...i didn't care. I was ready to quit.
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