Sunday, March 02, 2008

And for something completely different...

So the difference between this


and the real thing would be this little one:


Yes. We are knocked up again. All is well with the little flying monkey. Thursday we got to hear the heartbeat. It has been a roller-coaster of paranoia and excitement. The Doctor told us the chances of anything happening this point are very slim.

So now you know why I've been so sick and tired lately. I'm pretty much useless weeknights between the "morning" sickness and exhaustion from working all day. The guys at work have been fabulous. They won't let me lift a thing.

So no I can finally knit baby stuff for me!

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! So glad things are going so well!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! That is wonderful amazing blessed news!!!!!

Rachel said...

Yeah!! Congratulations!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whooo Hoooo

Anonymous said...

Don't tell ANYONE the gender, even if you know! And don't listen to ANYONE'S stupid (and often scary and thoughtless) "advice" even mine.

People can say the stupidest things to pregnant women.

All I'll say is CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

And clicketty clack.

I can't wait to knit you something precious and demented!

Ms. Rachel said...

And so you were saying how sick and tired you felt....

I lit a candle and prayed. Woohoooo!!!!!!

I actually had a dream the other night you were pregnant. I could see you and the little one through the skin at the same time. It was creepy and cool.

I guess it's time to get started on the baby quilt I had planned for you....