Monday, October 13, 2008

I made something!

Pumpkin Head

I had to make this for him. I couldn't resist and it's just too cute. Some day I'll be able to post a picture of him with his eyes open. My next knitting project is his Halloween costume which I hope to post before too long. I'll be dressing up as usual this year. Now I can coordinate my costume with someone.

I've been trying to figure out how to nurse hands free so I can knit at the same time. It's going fairly well. Life in general is feedings, diaper changes, laundry, figuring out which of the trifecta (eat, sleep or shower) I should do when he's asleep, and just sitting and staring at this amazing little person.


Mouse said...


Jenny said...

Aww. What a sweet lil pumpkin! I read that sentence:
Now I can coordinate my costume with someone (that has no choice but to play along). Hee hee.

Gothknits said...

exactly...gptta give him something to talk about in therapy.

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable, what a little pumpkin.

Karen said...

Aw, he is so cute! Cutest little punkin ever!

Anonymous said...

tears in my eyes at this little angel and the pic of him and his mommy together....just beautiful!!! u amaze me though! still knitting like mad with the little one to care for!!! Wonder woman would be proud!

Anonymous said...

He's so cute! Love the hat!

Heather said...

Squee! So, so cute! Can't wait to see the Halloween costume!

Kathleen said...

So adorable.