We've been sick. And by we, I mean the entire household. And by sick I mean the plague that has hit most of this area that involves a lot of congestion, mucus, coughing, more coughing, nose blowing, sinus headaches even more coughing and general malaise. I still have an occasional touch of the cough, but I am fairly healthy now.
Life has busy. The holidays went well. We did the grand tour of our hometowns, connecting our children with as many grandparents, and aunts and uncles as possible. In typical baby fashion, Little Miss was more enthralled with the bows then the actual gifts. Little Dude is at the perfect age for Christmas and there was constant chatter about Santa and excitement in opening gifts.
My birthday has come and gone without much celebration. (I can't believe that I'm 35 now) My Love had to work all day but he popped home for dinner. He did bestow upon me the lovely gift of ear protection I can plug my iPod into. I've been wanting this for a while now and I love them to death.
Work is exceeding busy and I hope to resurrect Footprints in the Sky soon. The problem of being really busy often means that I'm lax in taking pictures.
The minions are wonderful. Little Miss is my delight. She's such a happy girl, but isn't afraid to express her opinion. She's recently learned to shake her head 'No' and uses it often. She would love to eat big people food, but at 10 1/2 months old she still has no teeth. But that doesn't stop her from trying. She'll pound the table in proper Viking fashion when she demands her Cheerios. She's also on the verge of walking. Just this weekend she started walking along walls that don't have handholds and around doorways. You can see her think about trying to cross some wider spans but then she decides against it and crawls. But don't think that slows her down. She's crazy fast with the crawling. And yes, I dress her in pink and skulls. My Love gets a kick out of the flashes of my girly side in the way I dress her.
Little Dude just amazes me more every day. He really enjoys painting (go figure) and building things. His imagination has no bounds. I'll have to post some of his artwork. To the left he is painting a picture of the Hulk. (Yes, I have passed on my love of comics to him as well). I love how the pants are just a purple line across the page. Here you see him painting Hulk's toes.
This is a vampire he made out of one of his Christmas presents. Like I said....imagination galore. He recently learned about the differences between boys and girls, so we tend to have a lot of discussions about who has a penis and who doesn't. I just about died the morning he asked me if mine had been cut off. Everyday is a new adventure with these two.
Beyond that from a crafty/creative standpoint it has been slow. On my needles I have the
Double Heelix socks from Knitty. I'll be giving my review of that pattern later. I've been trying to clear out my stash of yarn-I-bought-before-I-knew-better by knitting scarves and hats for charity. They are basic and boring and things I can stick on the back of the couch and knit a few rows while the kids are playing. My socks, by no means fall into that category. I've got a long list of things that await finishing...mainly my Tilted Duster. I've knit it all, I have fabulous buttons. I just haven't sat down and done it. Of course finding time to do it without 'help' is a challenge as well. I've been itching to spin but the wheel is hidden upstairs in my eventual studio, but that space is still lacking in power. My Love requires a full day off from work to complete that project, so who knows when that will happen.
Honestly I've been doing more reading of late. And in all forms. I'm not sure if I mentioned, and I'm too lazy to look back and see, that I started listening to audiobooks while I work. Beware, this can be addicting. Very addicting. And the nice thing is that if a book sucks, and some of them have, at least I still did something productive in that time. We were also graced with a Kindle Fire this Christmas, by some
very generous parents. I never though I'd take to an e-reader, but it's not bad. It is especially nice for those nights where Little Miss requires a lot of rocking to fall asleep. You know those nights where they're out until you lay them in the crib and then they are wide awake screaming. Yeah. Love the Kindle those nights. And I still have a stack of traditional books all around. Right now I'm working on no less than 4 books. I'll be doing a post on books soon as well.
I've also found the joy of Podcasts recently as well and I've been inspired in all sorts of ways. Now if I can just manage to stay awake after the kids go to bed, maybe I can accomplish something.
Well there it is. I have some scenery calling to me.