Thursday, April 24, 2008


Since I missed my blogiversary back in February, I've decided to do a little contest of sorts. Tuesday evening is my ultrasound, where if the little flying monkey cooperates, we will know what it is. I'm taking guesses up until 1pm Tuesday, EST. Then I will choose a name or two from the correct guesses to win something. I'm not completely sure on the prize yet, I think it will depends on who wins (I'm not going to give knitting gifts to my non knitting readers)

So...leave comments if you think it is a boy or a girl.
Some possible helpful info
  • my main cravings have been for fresh fruit with a few other odd ones here and there (pad thai, tater tots, Friendly's ice cream sundae with peanut butter sauce and hot fudge) but the fruit has been the constant.
  • Food aversions- chicken. If it is cut up and small in the dish (and not the predominate flavor) I can manage it. Sit a chicken breast in front of me and I gag. And salmon.
  • No heartburn yet.
  • I've only had one baby dream that I can remember and it was a girl.
And this is how I am carrying:

contest photo

So let the games begin!


Jenny said...

I don't need a prize or anything, I just want to guess for bragging rights purposes. I'm thinking girl.

Mouse said...

I'm going to go with boy.. just because. Also.. I ate nothing but the hottest curries & Dairy Queen sundaes the whole time I was pregnant. Oh yes.. and cereal.. at 4am EVERY night. I swear that I felt like a human science project the whole time I was pregnant.

Rossellastra said...

I came from Raverly, and I just want to try to guess: I think it's a girl.

Have a nice day!
Rossella from Italy

thepaintedsheep said...

Girl. Or one of each!

Anonymous said...

Completely random guess: boy!

Kathleen said...

I'm guessing boy. Not exactly sure what I'm basing that on, but it's fun to guess.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing boy!

roxtarc said...

wait till the orange juice craving hits ya... i was a going thru a 1/2 gallon every other day! hahah...

and i know it's not tuesday but i'm guessin anyway... girl and not because you look huge or anything, you look little AND MAHVELOUS in fact, BUT you mentioned morning sickness & the chicken aversion... both of which i've heard from girlymoms ;)

so excited for ya... it's just all so amazing!

Lisa said...

HOLY MOLEY! You look like a pregnant lady!