The creative adventures of an artist as she and her husband remodel their home, raise two minions, work in theatre, and indulge in geek fandom... all while having MS.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Font wars
Ok...i'm going to take a little poll here....
I'm not sure what works best for you who read this
I read on bloglines - so it doesn't really matter to me!
I read your blog with google reader and usually can read the full blog entry.
If I had to vote though...I vote normal size. LOL!
<- lurker
bloglines here too, but both are comfortable for reading
Stick with normal; if people want to enlarge the text, they can adjust their browser.
Larger, pretty please. Some of us spend too much time looking at monitors all day ... every little bit helps!
I like the smaller text.
I actually like the larger font, but I can see the smaller font just fine.
since nothing else i do is normal... i read the normal sized font just fine ;)
both are fine in my book.
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