Monday, June 18, 2007

Don't worry....

I didn't cut my hair off. I'm just aggravated with it. My mum wouldn't cut it as short as I wanted back in April and now it is too long again. My hair grows wicked fast and I haven't found a good hairdresser that is affordable. That's why I just let it costs way too much to maintain a cut. But when it is getting this long it's quite heavy.

So I didn't chop it...I gorged my self on take out from Outback and laughed at Shaun of the Dead.

I have four more days of work before a day off...four more days.


Anonymous said...

mmmm outback.... i'll be hitting that joint up again soon!

and btw 17 pairs of SCISSORS??

i think it's somethin in the air w/the hair... i wanted mine chopped the other day too...

Unknown said...

I wish I could chop mine bu I have made a pact to allow it to grow for 2 years. Sigh. Why I have no idea.

Hope you find a hairdresser you like soon.