This once again is a timely topic this week: 10 Things You Need to Do and Stop Procrastinating. I would have had a whole different list just a day or two ago....even before reading the topic. Once the weather warms and the show season ends I get the urge to clear everything out and attack the endless to do piles. The biggest problem is what to do first. Here is the current list:
10 Things I Need to Do and Stop Procrastinating
- Clean the damn house.
- The next round of Nutcracker designs.
- Get my new glasses. (I just need to find frames I like)
- Likewise get fitted for my new contacts and get them. (seeing things is good)
- Get to a dermatologist
- Make Little Miss's annual appointment. For some reason it wasn't made at the end of the last appointment....and we completely missed it at the time.
- Wrap up all the MS Walk paperwork.
- Finish my paperwork for my conference trip reimbursement.
- Get the fencing and get to the garden plot. - we've got the postcard saying out plot in the community garden is ready. It's time to get digging in the dirt. Finishing the layout plan might help too.
- Get downstairs and get working on finishing the playroom walls.
Something will happen soon.
Whether good or bad, something will happen.
It always does.